Monday, May 9, 2011

Thanks for the ride, Prince Charming.

I dont want to sound like the typical pretencious teenage blogger but yesterday when I was walking down Grafton Street (so many memories) I was stopped by the street Style journalist for Image magazine. So this is the outfit I was wearing on that spontainious occaision.

Midi dress - Primark

Bag - Topshop

Shoes - primark

It was just a simple outfit going out shopping with my mom, aunty, cousin and granny. After we went for cocktails in The Morgan, which is pretty expensive but it was a special occaision. There was something about the dress and the Cosmopolitan in my hand that made me feel like Carrie Bradshaw...minus the fabulous Manolos. I was treated to some lovely gifts aswell that included:

A new bottle of Chanel no.5

Magic mushroom bath bomb from LUSH

Benefit Dr.Feelgood

'pink friday' lipstick

and an expensive ring from Topshop

(the ring was nearly 20 which is crazy but im in love with it!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

new purchases

went on a little shopping spree in H&M and I bought this gorgeous jumper,an ipod case, some nice earings and a roller. Also went into HMV and bought Step Brothers for five euro!

In this moment I just feel so alive..

So I had an interview this morning which went well thankfully!
Now im just lounging in my silk skirt and eagal tee. Going out with James later,it should be a good day.
much love x

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Whats in my bag:
  • black&gold purse.
  • my phone.
  • Elizabeth Arden foundation.
  • ipod.
  • Kate Moss purfume.
  • two rings.
  • powder.
  • Benefit Dr.Feelgood.
  • crimson lipstick.
  • maroon nail polish.
  • purple matte nail polish.
  • earings.
I want to completly reconstruct this blog! Get ready for some changes.
- M.